Amy Vander Stoep Karraker

I want to thank your company for making the equipment that turned me into what my orthopedic surgeon calls a "medical miracle." He has never seen a patient recuperate so quickly from a total knee replacement. I could walk without crutches two days after surgery, drive my car in ten days and was totally off pain medication in two weeks. It's been six weeks now, and I'm still not perfect but I'm getting there.

I want to thank your company for making the equipment that turned me into what my orthopedic surgeon calls a "medical miracle." He has never seen a patient recuperate so quickly from a total knee replacement. I could walk without crutches two days after surgery, drive my car in ten days and was totally off pain medication in two weeks. It's been six weeks now, and I'm still not perfect but I'm getting there.

I give a lot of credit for my quick recovery to the pre-surgery exercise program I developed that featured a Concept II rowing machine. For two months before the operation, I simply rowed for at least 35 minutes a day and also did an easy series of basic physical therapy leg strengthening exercises. In addition, I worked on my upper body so I could work with crutches, as needed.

My only question is why don't you have more information available about how your product can help those with bad knees and other leg-related problems? Rowing is an ideal way to strengthen muscles and encourage weight loss without putting undue stress on the joints.

I've really become a 58-year-old evangelical preacher when it comes to your rowing machines. I'm now back on one every day in preparation for replacing my other knee. I'm also spreading the word to others.

Your equipment could save a lot of people a lot of pain—so please, let more people know!